Te Uru o Five key female potters: Leading Ladies. - 14/10/2017.
Briar Gardner, Elizabeth Matheson, Minnie F. White, Olive Jones, Elizabeth Lissaman,
curated by Moyra Elliott.
o Elizabeth Lissaman.
o Elizabeth Lissaman.
o Elizabeth Lissaman.
o Olive Jones.
o Olive Jones.
o Olive Jones.
o Elizabeth Matheson.
o Olive Jones - "These two table lamps were made by Olive Jones, who commisioned the shades
especially for them for her display at the 1940 Centennial Exposition where she shared a stall
with Elizabeth Matheson".
o Elizabeth Matheson.
o Briar Gardner.
o Briar Gardner.
o Briar Gardner.
o Briar Gardner.
o Minnie F. White.
o Minnie F. White.
o Minnie F. White.